Gibson Farms, Inc.
Gibson Farms is proud to grow Blenheim Apricots for its customers. The apricots are picked off the trees at the perfect ripe stage, cut into halves and then dried in the sun. This process helps insure that apricots burst with the beautiful California Sunshine Color and maintain their vitamins and minerals, that are so good for you. Hollister possesses an ideal climate for the best variety of apricot for drying, primarily because of its high content of natural sugar as evidence by its bright orange color and sweet taste. In addition, Hollister is also the perfect climate for the growing of Hollister walnuts that are of a high quality due to our mild climate. Walnuts are very sensitive to extreme temperatures and when so exposed become discolored and this condition eventually affects quality and taste. Hollister walnuts are known for their exceptionally light color, kernel fullness, and exceptional flavor.Link:
Gibson Farms, Inc.
1190 Buena Vista Rd.
Hollister, CA 95023-3305
1190 Buena Vista Rd.
Hollister, CA 95023-3305