Davis Food Co-op
Started in a Davis living room in 1972, the Davis Food Co-op has grown into a full-service food cooperative owned and operated by over 8,000 local households. We've operated at 620 G Street since March, 1984. In 1990, we were able to buy our building. We renovated and remodeled in 1992 and 1997. We're proud to be open seven days a week, from 8 am to 10 pm. (Hours vary on July 4th, Thanksgiving, and around the end of December.) The Co-op provides you with a unique, healthy array of foods that can support many diets: from that of the young family to the nutritional particulars of a special diet; from that of the health-conscious shopper to the person who questions the use of chemical pesticides on their fruit and vegetables.Link: www.davisfood.coop
Davis Food Co-op
620 G St. at Sixth St.
Davis, CA 95616
620 G St. at Sixth St.
Davis, CA 95616